Wednesday, August 19, 2009

J.P. Morgan is an ASSHOLE.

Let me explain.

J.P. Morgan was the founder of the investment bank Morgan Stanley. He was also the sponsor and funded Nikola Tesla's inventions. Nikola Tesla invented things like A/C electricity, multi-phase electricity, the fundamentals of how we generate and transmit electricity through out the world today, radio controls and other wireless electrical transmission. So, much of what we have today is due to this magnificent inventor. Nikola Tesla's goal while funded by J.P. Morgan was to create a method to produce and transmit electrical current to the entire world without useing wires. He was successful in doing this for approximatly 20 miles. Upon discovery that there would be no way to monitor or sell this energy, but that it would be completely free and available to everyone J.P. Morgan stripped all funding from Nikola Tesla, dismantled his electrical towers and tarnished his name among his collegues.

J.P. Morgan was a large proponant for the Federal Reserve System. The Federal Reserve is a group of private banks who are charged with creating and monitoring the value of money for the United States of America. The Federal Reserve Note is a fiat money to which supply and demand does not control intrest rates, but controls inflation an deflation. I quote Thomas Jefferson, "If the America people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currencies, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their prosperity until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." This has come to realization today. Think of why you are required to register your vehicle, or why you must pay property taxes year after year on something you supposedly already own. Why must you wear your seat belt, or why can you not grow marijuana on your own property? The property is yours is it not, how can anyone, even a government official, tell you what you can or cannot do on your property? The Federal Reserve and their distribution of their fractional reserve banking tactics has created this massive financial bubble that spans the globe. The collapse of which was and is inevitable.

Because of this one prick we, as a worldwide community, are faced with not only an energy crisis but a financial crisis as well.

Way to go asshole.

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