Wednesday, August 19, 2009

American Christian?

Some one on facebook today wrote approximately 85% of Americans are Christians. Which got me to thinking about the term.

A Christian is a person who follows Jesus Christs biblical teachings and conducts their daily lives in accordance with the principals laid out within the Bible. One of these principals is illustrated in the book Genesis of the Bible. In the garden of eden there was Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve were to live in eternal bliss in this garden paradise so long as they did not eat of the fruit from the tree of knowledge for this fruit was forbidden. Satan convinced Eve that God was a liar and that eating of the fruit was not forbidden. Adam who was scared of losing Eve joined her in eating of the fruit, so all human kind have become condemned. The moral of the story is that "man" cannot govern themselves and that "man" requires Gods direction and direct control. Also "man" should not come tempted by those who seek to challenge God's authority. Seems wise.

The idea of an American is illustrated in the Declaration of Independance. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. You see illustrated here that the creators of the United States of America did not agree that the King was ordained by God to be ruler, that all men were created equal, and by such believed that men could govern themselves without the guidence of God. Thus the United States of America was coined "The Great American Expirement." You see the King was anointed by God through the Pope supposedly.

So the term American Christian seems to me to be an oxymoron. An American by biblical definition would be defined better as a satanic. A Christian could not be an American.

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